Monthly Archives: May 2014

Are You Syncing Yet?


cropped-SYNC-WEB-Header-GrapheneThe downloads have begun….Warp by Eoin Colfer and The Time Machine by H.G. Wells was up for grabs on May 15th through May 21st.  Tomorrow’s delight will be:  Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge and Oedipus the King by Sophocles.  All these downloads are yours TO KEEP!  You need an Overdrive account and a computer (recommended to transfer from your computer to any other device). That’s it. I hope y’all take advantage of this fantastic pairing of contemporary titles and classics.  OK, I’m ready for Cruel Beauty! Here’s the link:

The List is out…..


Crazy.  Liz Davis and the Faculty of Sandwich High School have settled the summer reading list for 2014.  AND….graduation is less than a month away.  It’s crunch time and then the freedom, rush and frenzy of summer (How many snow days were there?). I am working on getting copies of the titles on the SHS list ready to go, scheduling some great programs for teens…well, you will tell me by showing up if they are great or not, and pondering, pondering, pondering how to make that Teen library real estate more attractive to readers, students and the teen public.steampunk1steampunk2  Steampunk jewelry, a fantastic  teen writers workshop, a Hunger Games ‘survival’ workshop, looking for HS ‘Mad Scientist’ volunteers to help with a weekly ‘Mad Science Review’, creating book lists, hyping SYNC as a fantastic link to FREE downloadable contemporary books paired with classics that the reader gets to KEEP once downloaded, looking for Teen Volunteers to help with storytimes, programs, and more, seeking puppeteers for an all new production of ‘The Mermaid and the Whale’ and collaborating with Courtenay Harrington-Bailey and Jacek Zuzanski to create a BIG PUPPET re-telling of the tale….so much fun and planning.  I am really excited about the Steampunk Jewelry making workshop with Nettie Berkley of the Teen Artists Coalition which is based at the Sturgis Library in Barnstable.  It’s going to be an opportunity to create something punky and meet other teen unafraid to punk things.  And the Hunger Games Survival Workshop will be two hours of real survival techniques and practice. That will be followed by the wrap-up event at Town Hall (largescreenBigMovieentertainmentthatkindofstuff).


Please check the calendar for updates to teen programs.  The summer handout should be available by the end of May. Oh, and recommended reading from me for the summer ….. SWIM THAT ROCK by John Rocco and Jay Primiano; CODE NAME VERITY by Elizabeth Wein; THE LANGUAGE OF INSIDE by Holly Thompson; LOVE LETTERS TO THE DEAD by Ava Dellaira and anything Sherlock Holmes’y’, of course. Ta.
