Monthly Archives: August 2017

And all that in between, well, I hope it was good. Notes from the end.


Today is August 24th. The last post took place in June.  Kind of a ‘sandwich’ moment: The summer was filled with great Teen Volunteers, some Quidditch, some ice cream, a superior puppet show by the Sandwich Junior Puppeteers, lots of reading, greeting and meeting people from all over the world.  In this photo Nate has gone after some ‘big trash’ at our recent Talbot’s Point volunteer clean-up.  Actually the trail was pretty clean – disappointing in one way – but the parking lot gave us more than enough to pick up and bag.

Sooooo, summer is wrapping. What is ahead for teens at the Library? I am always in need of knowing what works for our teen patrons. Coming up: a new form of Teen (7th-9th grades) book discussion group; The Write Workshop for teens who write (fiction, news, podcast, research) complemented by local ‘know-it-alls’ who share their knowledge (Three part workshop) and ????

What exactly is on your mind? If your local public library can be of any assistance – providing a room to meet or the time to confer – please make it so.  Keep in touch.  Blast off to this new school year.  Thank you for all you do for your community and your family.

I am not lost, I am searching.