Monthly Archives: June 2015

Bike Up! Sun Masks! Roller Girl! Tiny Movies! Yoga! Things to experience at your library….


MtnBike1_Fruita_MIKick-off Tween/Teen Tuesdays @ SPL.


June 30th, 3-6 pm


w/Eric Hillenbrand

Got bike? Can you fix your flat tire? Change a chain? Adjust brakes?  This marvelous working workshop with Sturgis Faculty member Eric Hillenbrand will give you the start to taking care of your bike. Eric started the Bike Club at Sturgis in 2007, has biked extensively (in a LOT of places) and loves the BIKE.  Ages 10 to 19 years are welcome to bring their bike to this workshop and learn about minor repairs. This is NOT where you have Eric fix your bike, this is where YOU learn to fix your bike. Ask questions. Share bike stories. Please register at, Events. Hope to see you there.

How to Dress a Book….


IMG_0336Books come into the library quite innocently, barely cloaked in their thin paper dust jackets.  To protect their shine and lengthen a book’s life  while the book travels to all sorts of situations to be read, identity labels are adhered, dust jacket covers are cut and stabilized, corners are exacted.  This new batch – two of which I am taking home even BEFORE they are accessed (because they looked SO good and I am a curious reader…) has some real attraction. The Trap, Conviction, Boys Don’t Knit (which is a baseball book, believe it or not), Elana Vanishing ( a memoir of anorexia) and The Winner’s Crime will be ready to view in a few. I am reading Conviction and Elena Vanishing this weekend.  Meanwhile, the Sandwich High School Summer 2015 Reading List is in process and soon the STEM Academy reading list will be getting ‘stickered’ and pulled for the summer. If you need THE BOOK…come see us and don’t forget the BOOK SALE every Saturday downstairs.  There is NOTHING better than getting a great book for $1 AND supporting your library at the same time.  The Book Sale has lots of teen/tween titles in great shape.  Hope to see you this summer for all your fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, magazines and more needs.  Hey, if you have a library card, don’t forget that you can get magazines online for FREE, music downloads for FREE, and books for FREE.  FREE is nice.